Saturday, February 7, 2009

Coupon Policies

I find it interesting each store, even stores within the same company, have their own coupon policies. I find it even more interesting that the majority of stores do not publish these policies anywhere. In an effort to educate myself, I contacted CVS, Publix, Target, Wags and Winn Dixie. Some I spoke with actual store managers, others I emailed corporate offices. The coupon policies I posted are what I've come up with after conducting my investigation;) 

What experiences have you had when using coupons? 
Do you know of any coupon policies? 


  1. Thank you for looking into this. deff somthing that I need to print out!

  2. I had a strange coupon policy situation come up at Albertsons. I had an IP that was specific to a product AND to Albertsons (it couldn't be used at other stores). The clerk told me that they "didn't take IPs". I asked to see their written policy, which the clerk was very surprised to see said they didn't take IPs IF they didn't have a scannable bar code! It was an interesting conversation. They did take the coupon, but they were awfully confused about the whole thing.



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